Tokki Code
"I needed a new method to record Wink Tokki's wink signals.
Since 1998, I created a drawing style that incorporated
an algorithm for recording this.
I named it 'Tokki Code.'"
- Hong Hak-soon -
Not Minted
"Tokki Code #1"
"The Tokki Code" NFT art series will be released in numerical order.
The first artwork, "Tokki Code #1," will be minted soon.
This series is a converted version of Tokki Code Original into an animation.
The hidden algorithms of the Tokki Code, recorded in the 12,000-page Tokki Book, are now revealed as Wink Tokki NFT ART.
What is the Tokki Code?
The Tokki Code is a drawing style that incorporates an algorithm.
This algorithm was born through Hong Hak-soon's creative process that began in 1998, and it is still evolving.
He created the Tokki Code to record what's contained within Wink Tokki's wink signals.
These records became the Tokki Book.
The Tokki Book is comprised of the Tokki Code.
As of 2023, the <Tokki Book> spans 9 volumes - 12,000 pages.
The Tokki Code is the root of the Wink Tokki World's universe.

Not Minted
Tokki Code Original
Every page of the Tokki Book is interconnected through the algorithms of the Tokki Code.
As of 2023, the <Tokki Book> spans 9 volumes - 12,000 pages.
"Wink Tokki personally selected the Tokki Code Original 12 pages. When I asked Wink Tokki why you chose these pages, Wink Tokki replied, 'It's all about today's mood.' "
- Hong Hak-soon

Not Minted
The Birth of
Tokki Code
One day in 1998,
Hong Hak-soon casually drew a small circle with a pencil.
He didn't know that moment would be the beginning of a fateful exploration.
This is the story
of the birth of Tokki Code.
To summarize this story:
Circle World
Wink Tokki transforms
signals from Circle World
into winks
Hong Hak-soon records
Wink Tokki's wink signals
into Tokki Code
Hong Hak-soon records
Tokki Code in the Tokki Book.
As of 2023, the Tokki Book
spans 9 volumes - 12,000 pages.
Due to the evolution of Circle World,
the algorithms of Tokki Code get updated,
and new content is added to the Tokki book.
Let's dive into the story!
The Birth of Tokki Code
Summary of the
Creative Process
The beginning

I enjoyed drawing circles.

I found it fascinating that every time I drew a circle, a new shape emerged.
So I kept drawing circles.

'There is no identical circle.'
I began to enter the world of Wink Tokki.
The Dot is Core

I discovered a new fact.
It was probably something universally known to humanity since ancient times, but it was a new discovery to me.
That fact was that there is a core within the circle.
I call this "One dot within one circle"
I marked the core within the circle as a dot.
Shapes that were hidden

Inside the circle, there are triangles and squares.

Tokki Book 1
The shapes that were hidden within the circle have emerged. The shapes do not reveal themselves on their own. When something happens within the circle, the shapes come into view.
The documentation of the circle is also a documentation of the shapes.
Inside & outside of the circle.
New Space

The increasing number of drawing notes on circles and shapes means an expansion of new space in the Circle World.
I said this.
"Circles within circles,
circles outside of circles."

Tokki Book 1
To document one space, it requires a lot of paper because it involves recording the evolving process of change.

Circle Tree
painting / 2003
I frequently created drawings and paintings that used a tree as a metaphor for Circle World. A tree starts from a seed, and a circle starts from a point. The branches, leaves, fruits, and flowers that extend from the tree align well with the phrase "Circles within circles, circles outside of circles."
The side view of Tokki's face
Shape Organism

Something emerged inside the circle.

I named it "Tokki." 토끼
Tokki always shows its side face, revealing only one of its two eyes.
This is because Tokki enjoys the fact that there is one dot (core) within one circle.

I classified Tokki as a "shape organism" because it emerged as a combination of shapes inside the circle. Tokki is the first shape organism of the Circle World.

Tokki Book 2
"Tokki 토끼" means "rabbit" in Korean.
1999 ~ 2001
Idea transmission

When circles are connected to each other,
it means that their cores are connected.
I gave the nickname
"connection dot"
to the core (dot) of a circle.
Connected circles exchanged
their shapes with each other.
I called this "idea transmission."
During this process, an "idea swap" can also take place.
What could be inside the line that connects two circles?
For example, in the second volume of the Tokki Book, there is a chapter called "Connection of Four," which documents the events that unfold inside the connection line. Here are some pages from that chapter.

Tokki Book 2
"Connection of Four"
1999 ~ 2001
Symmetry Connection
Circles exchange shapes.
Circles send and receive signals.
The circles are connected.
It's symmetry

In the Circle World, symmetry refers to a state where "idea transmission" becomes active on both sides and as a result, the "connection dot" becomes abundant.

Tokki Book 6
Symmetry & connection are necessary for each other.
I combined these two and called it
"Symmetry Connection".
Small units of "Symmetric Connection" come together to form larger units of "Symmetric Connection".
This is the application of the natural law of the Circle World, "Circles within circles, circles outside of circles."
The "Idea Transmission" between two symmetrical circles being active means that there is a lively exchange of shapes between them.
"also refer to" means to mention or call something by a particular name or term in addition to other ways of referring to it. It indicates that there is an additional or alternative way of describing or naming something.
In a word, the true essence of Circle World becomes more emerge.
In Circle World, the term "symmetry" encompasses the concept of "connection."
"Symmetry" is the foundation of the Tokki Code.

symmetry moths
53-45cm, 2018
Hong Hak-Soon : Among all the living organisms on Earth, what is your favorite symmetry?
Wink Tokki : Moths and butterflies. They exhibit beautiful symmetry.
Wink Tokki said,
"'Symmetry' + 'Connection' = 'Symmetricon.'"
1999 ~ 2000
Parts & assembly

Tokki Book 2
Heart 2000
Thanks to the signal transmission among the circles, the shapes continue to change.
Some shapes come together and assemble when they meet. The shapes that have experienced "assembly" acquire roles and become upgraded as "parts".
I called frequently used parts "Favored parts".
When assembly is repeated, remarkable creations emerge.
I called this "assemblicity". 조립체
(This word is a compound of "assembled" + "entity". 조립된 + 개체 )
Assembled entities can appear in various forms, ranging from abstract objects to those resembling living organisms and machines.
In the second volume of the Tokki Book, an assembled entity called "Heart" emerges. It functions as an independent entity but can also serve as a component that assembles with other entities. The timing and manner of its assembly are determined by the signals of the circles.
The concepts mentioned in this document, such as "One dot within one circle" and "Symmetry Connection," continue to evolve Wink Tokki's Circle World. These concepts, like gears, mutually influence and sustain the Circle World. I refer to them as the "natural laws" of the Circle World.